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A poll of more than 500 Britons with at least 1 000 000 dollars in quick assets and their homes found that 78% thought Great Britain decision to leave the European Union would have a “positive effect” on their financials.
Views: 1442 | Added by: Auto-Insurer | Date: 30.03.2017 | Comments (17)

Almost a year to the day after SRT president Ralph Gilles first introduced – and kissed the fender of – the SRT Viper at the New York Auto Show, the coupe has begun shipping.
Views: 1262 | Added by: Auto-Insurer | Date: 30.03.2017 | Comments (5)

According to last researches, experts assert, that polyholders which live in New York, pay on 55 % more than usually they have got used.

The New York polyholders have noticed, that usual payments which they rally without errors and without delays, have raised on 55 %. Starting on second quarter of 2009, an estimated $8,748 increase per claim has been charged to auto insurance policy holders.

Views: 13023 | Added by: Auto-Insurer | Date: 10.11.2009 | Comments (0)

auto insurance USA Capitol Congress car insurance regulation of car insurance auto insurance industry If to pay attention to meetings which the Congress of the United States spends throughout recent time it is possible to observe of the disorder and indecision in a question: who should declare what role in sphere of regulation of car insurance.

In messages which arrive from the congress, it is said, that the Congress is intended to give to the states the power on acceptance of key decisions in car insurance, especially that concern reforms of car insurance. But there are also such members of the Congress who wish to leave behind the congress key powers in car insurance. However, those leaders of the congress who do not want that the state took car insurance under the control, for today in the majority.

Views: 14110 | Added by: Auto-Insurer | Date: 09.11.2009 | Comments (0)

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